CLM is specialized in mechanical production and fine machining since 1980 and has a clear Mission:
- increase the national and international market, developing continually the necessary know-how to be a competitive company;
- research and implement innovative solutions and processes to produce high quality and precise services for our clients, in respect of the human race and the environment;
- create a harmonious working environment for the staff, giving to everyone the chance to a personal and professional development in order to be also and improvement for the whole company;
- care about customers with reliable and dedicated approach, considering them as a vehicle for professional and social growth
Branches of the company: precision machining
The experience gained in recent decades has allowed CLM Mechanics to operate in different branches, and in particular:
- die-casting molds and burrs-punching;
- shearing and / or bending of sheet and pipe;
- precision machining: molds and equipment for the production of electric heaters;
- molds for thermoforming and cutting sheets of screen-printed polycarbonate;
- automatic equipment for specific customer needs.
- high quality mechanical constructions and manufactures
In this web-site you will find some descriptions of the areas where CLM Mechanics can operate : precision machining, milling machining, design and manufacture of die-casting, bending and cutting molds.
Do not hesitate to contact us for any information you may need.
Thanks to you, the story of CLM continues with more and more success!
Services and mechanical machining
TECHNICAL TURNING: CNC-Turning carried out by partners of the SIS-Group, which CLM Srl takes part to.
- HEAT TREATMENTS: Collaborations with external companies specialized in steel heat treatments, surface treatments with related certifications.
- MEASUREMENT OF ITEMS/COMPONENTS: We dispose of a department for measurement and dimensional verification of the built components, with the assistance of highly specialized partner company.
- CERTIFICATION AND ANALYSIS: Close and privileged cooperation with a partner company for product certification, statistical analysis of samples and "reverse-engineering" of surfaces for reconstruction of mathematical models.